Jumat, 26 Agustus 2011


Algae  generally live in water, both in freshwater and in sea water and damp places. Body algae indicate a very banayak diversity but all cells are always clearly has plastids and nucleus. In the plastids contained chlorophyll and other pigments that are sometimes more prominent, making it easier to mengelonmpokkan and name based on these pigments. So we are familiar with the term green algae, red algae, blue algae, brown algae and golden algae. Almost all the algae except blue algae including the Plantae.

Algae is a plant-based resources humans need a variety of materials, there is a direct use of vegetable species of green algae. There are drugs that produce material of this type of blonde and red algae. In addition there is a produce soda, magnet, iodine and others.
1. 1. Ulva sp.Kingdom: PlantaeDivisio: 
ChlorophytaClassis: ChlorophyceaeOrder: 
UlvalesFamily: UlvaceaeGenus:
UlvaSpecies: Ulva sp
Algae is also known as sea lettuce, because of its shape like a sheet of lettuce bowl. This algae lives in the sea water and attached to rocks on the beach. Vegetative propagation is done by zoospores berflagel four. Generative culture by forming zoospores. Ulva sp Classis Chlorophyceae is similar to higher plants.

2. Gigartina papillata.Kingdom: PlantaeDivisio:
RhodophytaClassis: RhodophyceaeOrder:
GigartinalesFamily: GigartyceaeGenus: 
GigartinaSpecies: Gigartina papillata
These included the red alga algae because algae are included in the class of algae Rhodophyta divisio which has a red pigment and generally contain reserve food material of agar, and their habitats in the ocean. Thallusnya flat, and contain lots of pectin substances. Two-phase life cycle. Algal body form is shaped sheets.

3. Vaucheria sp.Kingdom: PlantaeDivisio:

ChrysophytaClassis: XanthophyceaeOrder: 
HeterosiphonalesFamily: HeterosiphonaceaeGenus: 
VaucheriaSpecies: Vaucheria sp
Algae has a yellow pigment with a reed Thallus not insulated, but ramify. This golden algae have anteridium and oogonia. Algae also has a lot of the core, so it is more appropriately called algae acellular rather than unicellular algae. The location between anteridium and oogonia in each kind of different. Generative breeding with zigospora formation, and breeding vegetatively by the formation and zoospores and aplanospora akinet.

4. Gracielaria sp.Kingdom: PlantaeDivisio: 
RhodophytaClassis: RhodophyceaeOrder:
DemastomalesFamily: GracielariaceaeGenus:
GracielariaSpecies: sp Gracielaria
Gracielaria sp belong to the red algae, has Thallus a branched sequence. Parasitism in some gametofitnya. The developments occurred biakkannya rotation descent but separately.

5. Sargassum cymosum.Kingdom: PlantaeDivisio: 
PhaeophytaClassis: PhaeophyceaeOrder:
FucalesFamily: FucaceaeGenus: 
SargassumSpecies: Sargassum cymosumSargassum cymosum has a plant that resembles Thallus kormus, some resembling the stems, leaves similar (phylloid), and has the rhizoid to attach itself to the substrate. Having a tool shaped section of developments biakkannya axillary branches or leaves, and also the air sacs in his armpit. 
6. Corallina sp.Kingdom: PlantaeDivisio:
RhodophytaClassis: RhodophyceaeOrder:
CorallinalesFamily: CorallinaceaeGenus: 
CorallinaSpecies: Corallina sp
Corallina sp has a berbuku Thallus-books, bercabangan dikhotom meetings and cylindrical shape, which is easily broken. Lots contained calcium (coral). Purplish red color and will turn white when dried or exposed to sunlight.

7. Rhodymenia sp.Kingdom: PlantaeDivisio:
RhodophytaClassis: RhodophyceaeOrder:
RhodymenialesFamily: RhodymenaceaeGenus: 
RhodymeniaSpecies: sp Rhodymenia
Sp Rhodymenia also included within algamerah because these algae have a red pigment, but nevertheless is a greenish algae, thallusnya cylindrical with local branches. Rhodymenia sp is one of the algae which produce gelatinous material.

8. Euchema spinosum.Kingdom: PlantaeDivisio: 
RhodophytaClassis: RhodophyceaeOrder:
EuchemalesFamily: EuchemaceaeGenus:
EuchemaSpecies: spinosum Euchema
Is a red algae which do have a red body color, shape and serrated forked thallusnya. Its surface is rough, but even so the algae is also similar to sp Rhodymenia they both produce a gelatinous material.

9. Codium fragile.Kingdom: PlantaeDivisio:
ChlorophytaClassis: ChlorophyceaeOrder: 
CaulerpalesFamily: CodiaceaeGenus: 
CodiumSpecies: Codium fragile
Codium fragile has a nucleus and chloroplasts. These algae grow horizontally on the top substrate and the branching is a tool of reproduction. Most of the epiphytes on other algae or water. In bebentuk soft body parts that are not porous sheet.

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